Report Designer Component Library

Basic Details

Product Name

Reports for .NET Designer Edition

Product Description

The Reports Designer provides a WYSIWYG report designer application that can be integrated in to HighStone.   The style of the report editor is very similar to the report designer provided by Microsoft in the Access Database.  The Report Designer runtime is distributed as standard with HighStone as part of the Studio Enterprise library suite.  With this additional library the ability to include the actual Report Designer as part of the general HighStone release is provided.  At the current time the Report Designer has not been released to Users - where Report Formats have to be prepared they are undertaken by Claremont Controls and issued as pre-designed templates in an XML format.


ComponentOne LLC

Supplier Website

Elements in HighStone

Report Designer Control

Development License

License required for each Developer

Initial License Purchase with 12 month Support Period

Annual Renewal with 12 month Support Period for Library Updates

Run Time License

Royalty-free distribution of run-time libraries

Usage Policy

Product License is renewed annually.  Component Library has not been used in any published modules.

UK Distributor

QBS Software Ltd

Development Component Price (Approx)

Initial: £1,044.  Annual Renewal: £520 (2010)

First Year of Use


User Installation

XCOPY Install Supported

Component Files

No details available

Usage Profile

Library File

HighStone Module


Report Designer


The component library has not been incorporated in to any HighStone module and released to date.

Purchase of the component library does allow end-user distribution of the pre-built Report Designer application module (a factor not included in the standard Studio Enterprise Component Library).

The Report Designer application module is available on demand from Claremont Controls.